Oticon RemoteCare FAQ

If you want to know more about compatibility of your Oticon hearing aids with your smartphone, Oticon apps or connectivity products, please click here

Technical issues and troubleshooting

For technical questions or troubleshooting, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting sections in the app’s Instructions for Use*.

*You can also find the Instructions for Use inside the app itself. On the Welcome to Oticon RemoteCare screen, tap Support & Privacy; then tap Instructions for Use to access the instructions.

General information

Yes, Oticon RemoteCare is available for both Apple and Android devices.

Oticon RemoteCare can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play store. Just install the app on your smartphone as you would do for any other app.

Yes, Oticon RemoteCare is completely free to download and to use.

Yes, you will need to create an Oticon account to use the app. Please have a look at the app’s Instructions for Use to find out how to do that.

Oticon handles any personal data in accordance with local regulations. Please refer to our Oticon RemoteCare privacy notice for more information.


Find all the information you need about pairing your hearing aids to your Apple or Android device here.

Yes, it is possible to pair your hearing aids to several devices simultaneously. However, we recommend pairing your hearing aids to just one device at any one time. This will ensure the device you are currently using is the one that is in full control.


Oticon RemoteCare provides you with the option of connecting with your hearing care professional from the comfort of your own home. During these online visits, you can request advice and get your hearing aids adjusted by your hearing care professional in real-time.

Having online remote visits with your hearing care professional has many potential advantages:

  • You can save time and money by not having to travel to the clinic
  • You can have follow-up appointments even at times when it is not possible for you to physically visit the clinic
  • You can get your hearing aids adjusted in your preferred environment, whether this is home, your workplace or another location. This means the settings can be fine-tuned to fit a specific sound environment.

Not all hearing aids settings can be updated remotely using Oticon RemoteCare. In certain cases, it will be necessary to physically visit your clinic. Please consult your hearing care professional for more information.

Audio and video can be disabled inside the app - so you can decide if you want to use video, audio or just chat with your hearing care professional during the visit. However, we do recommend enabling both audio and video functionalities to enjoy the full experience.